Home Page

1. Alcuni omomorfismi tra reticoli di sottogruppi
Rend. Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat. Napoli
45 (1978), 437-441

2. Alcuni epimorfismi tra reticoli di sottogruppi e reticoli di sottogruppi normali
Rend. Mat.
(4) 13 (1980), 531-540
(con S.Franciosi)

3. Debole complementazione in teoria dei gruppi
Ricerche Mat.
30 (1981), 35-56
(con S.Franciosi)

4. Su una particolare classe di formazioni saturate
Matematiche (Catania)
34 (1979), 250-272
(con S.Franciosi)

5. Sui gruppi in cui l'intersezione di due qualunque sottogruppi non confrontabili è abeliana (Parte prima)
Rend. Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste
14 (1982), 49-70

6. Sui gruppi in cui l'intersezione di due qualunque sottogruppi non confrontabili è abeliana (Parte seconda)
Rend. Istit. Mat. Univ. Trieste
15 (1983), 1-18

7. Sui gruppi con l'insieme ordinato dei sottogruppi ascendenti riducibile
Istit. Veneto Sci. Lett. Arti Atti Cl. Sci. Mat. Natur.
139 (1980/81), 199-202
(con S. Franciosi)

8. Sui gruppi sottomodulari infiniti
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo
31 (1982), 257-266
(con S. Franciosi)

9. Alcuni epimorfismi tra reticoli di sottogruppi normali
Istit. Lombardo Accad. Sci. Lett. Rend.
116 A (1982), 45-53
(con S. Franciosi)

10. Una caratterizzazione reticolare dei gruppi dei gruppi residualmente supersolubili
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital.
(6) 2 A (1983), 355-360
(con S. Franciosi)

11. Isomorfismi tra le strutture subnormali dei gruppi
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.
(4) 137 (1984), 123-138
(con S. Franciosi)

12. Groups in which every infinite subnormal subgroup is normal
J. Algebra
96 (1985), 566-580
(con S. Franciosi)

13. Alcuni isomorfismi duali tra reticoli di sottogruppi normali
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital.
(6) 5 A (1986), 185-192
(con S. Franciosi)

14. Sui gruppi nei quali ogni sottogruppo finito è dotato di complemento
Matematiche (Catania)
38 (1983), 201-220
(con S. Franciosi)

15. Su una classe di gruppi introdotta da Bender
Ricerche Mat.
33 (1984), 203-223
(con S. Franciosi)

16. Isomorfismi tra reticoli di sottogruppi normali di gruppi nilpotenti senza torsione
Ann. Univ. Ferrara Sez.VII (Matematica)
31 (1985), 91-98
(con S. Franciosi)

17. A note on cosubnormal subgroups
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo
35 (1986), 466-471
(con S. Franciosi)

18. Soluble groups with many Černikov quotients
Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur.
79 (1985), 19-24
(con S. Franciosi)

19. Groups with infinite subnormal subgroups of bounded defect
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital.
(6) 4 D (1985), 49-56
(con S. Franciosi)

20. On torsion in groups whose automorphism groups have finite rank
Rocky Mountain J. Math.
17 (1987), 431-445
(con S. Franciosi e D.J.S. Robinson)

21. On torsion groups with nilpotent automorphism groups
Comm. Algebra
14 (1986), 1909-1935
(con S. Franciosi)

22. A note on groups with countable automorphism groups
Arch. Math. (Basel)
47 (1986), 12-16
(con S. Franciosi)

23. Some finiteness conditions for automorphism groups
Glasgow Math. J.
29 (1987), 259-265
(con S. Franciosi)

24. Some examples of infinite groups in which each element commutes with its endomorphic images
Group Theory Proceedings (Bressanone 1986)
Lecture Notes in Mathematics (Springer)
1281, 9-17
(con A. Caranti e S. Franciosi)

25. On normal subgroups of products of nilpotent groups
J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A
44 (1988), 275-286
(con B. Amberg e S. Franciosi)

26. On automorphisms fixing normal subgroups of nilpotent groups
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital.
(7) 1 B (1987), 1161-1170
(con S. Franciosi)

27. Groups with a nilpotent triple factorisation
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.
37 (1988), 69-79
(con B. Amberg e S. Franciosi)

28. Groups with a supersoluble triple factorization
J. Algebra
117 (1988), 136-148
(con B. Amberg e S. Franciosi)

29. Groups with an FC-nilpotent triple factorization
Ricerche Mat.
36 (1987), 103-114
(con B. Amberg e S. Franciosi)

30. On trifactorized soluble minimax groups
Arch. Math. (Basel)
51 (1988), 13-19
(con B. Amberg e S. Franciosi)

31. Soluble groups which are the product of a nilpotent and a polycyclic subgroup
Proceedings of the 1987 Singapore Group Theory Conference
(con B. Amberg e S. Franciosi)

32. On automorphisms fixing subnormal subgroups of soluble groups
Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur.
82 (1988), 217-222
(con S. Franciosi)

33. Nilpotent-by-noetherian factorized groups
Canad. Math. Bull.
32 (1989), 391-403
(con B. Amberg e S. Franciosi)

34. Soluble groups with many nilpotent quotients
Proc. Royal Irish Acad.
89 A (1989), 43-52
(con S. Franciosi)

35. On automorphisms fixing infinite subgroups of groups
Arch. Math. (Basel)
54 A (1990), 4-13
(con M. Curzio e S. Franciosi)

36. Groups with polycyclic-by-finite conjugacy classes
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital
(7) 4 B (1990), 35-55
(con S. Franciosi e M.J. Tomkinson)

37. Groups with Černikov conjugacy classes
J. Austral. Math. Soc. Ser. A
50 (1991), 1-14
(con S. Franciosi e M.J. Tomkinson)

38. Triply factorized groups
Comm. Algebra
18 (1990), 789-809
(con B. Amberg e S. Franciosi)

39. On the Wielandt subgroup of infinite soluble groups
Glasgow Math. J.
32 (1990), 121-125
(con R. Brandl e S. Franciosi)

40. On central automorphisms of finite-by-nilpotent groups
Proc. Edinburgh Math. Soc.
33 (1990), 191-201
(con S. Franciosi)

41. Groups with restrictions on their infinite normal subgroups
Ricerche Mat.
38 (1989), 151-163

42. On products of locally polycyclic groups
Arch. Math. (Basel)
55 (1990), 417-421
(con S. Franciosi)

43. Soluble groups with many Min-by-Max quotients
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital.
(7) 5 B (1991), 449-462

44. On the Fitting length of a soluble product of nilpotent groups
Arch. Math. (Basel)
57 (1991), 313-318
(con S. Franciosi, H. Heineken e M.L. Newell)

45. On normal subgroups of factorized groups
Ricerche Mat.
39 (1990), 159-167
(con S. Franciosi)

46. On trifactorized soluble groups of finite rank
Geom. Dedicata
38 (1991), 331-341
(con S. Franciosi)

47. Minimal non-nilpotent groups as automorphism groups
Monatsh. Math.
112 (1991), 89-98
(con R. Brandl e S. Franciosi)

48. Groups whose finite quotients have a transitive normality relation
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital.
6 B (1992), 329-350
(con S. Franciosi)

49. On the Hirsch-Plotkin radical of a factorized group
Glasgow Math. J.
34 (1992), 193-199
(con S. Franciosi)

50. Groups with many supersoluble subgroups
Ricerche Mat.
40 (1991), 321-333
(con S. Franciosi)

51. Rank formulae for factorized groups
Ukrain. Mat. Z.
43 (1991), 1078-1084
(con B. Amberg e S. Franciosi)

52. On groups with many subnormal subgroups
Note Mat.
13 (1993), 99-105
(con S. Franciosi)

53. Groups with dense normal subgroups
Ricerche Mat.
42 (1993), 283-305
(con S. Franciosi)

54. Products of Groups
Oxford Mathematical Monographs, Clarendon Press, Oxford
(con B. Amberg e S. Franciosi)

55. Prodotti di gruppi nilpotenti
Rend. Sem. Mat. Fis. Milano
61 (1991), 257-265

56. On periodic subgroups of factorized groups
Arch. Math. (Basel)
61 (1993), 313-318
(con S. Franciosi)

57. On central automorphisms of infinite groups
Comm. Algebra
22 (1994), 2559-2578
(con S. Franciosi e M.L. Newell)

58. Elementi di Algebra
Aracne Editrice, Roma
(con S. Franciosi)
(2ª Edizione, Roma, 1995)

59. Groups with finitely many conjugacy classes of non-normal subgroups
Proc. Royal Irish Acad.
95 A (1995), 17-27
(con R. Brandl e S. Franciosi)

60. Groups with finitely many infinite conjugacy classes of subnormal subgroups
Ricerche Mat.
43 (1994), 309-321
(con C. Casolo e S. Franciosi)

61. FC-nilpotent products of hypercentral groups
Forum Math.
7 (1995), 307-316
(con B. Amberg e S. Franciosi)

62. On groups with many almost normal subgroups
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.
169 (1995), 35-65
(con S. Franciosi e L.A. Kurdachenko)

63. The Schur property and groups with uniform conjugacy classes
J. Algebra
174 (1995), 823-847
(con S. Franciosi e L.A. Kurdachenko)

64. Esercizi di Algebra
Aracne Editrice, Roma
(con S. Franciosi)
(2ª Edizione, Roma, 1996)

65. Groups whose subnormal non-normal subgroups have finite index
Rend. Accad. Naz. Sci. XL Mem. Mat.
17 (1993), 241-251
(con S. Franciosi)

66. On products of nilpotent groups
Ricerche Mat.
44 (1992), 489-506
(con S. Franciosi)

67. Groups satisfying the minimal condition on non-pronormal subgroups
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital.
(7) 9 A (1995), 185-194
(con G. Vincenzi)

68. On locally finite groups factorized by locally nilpotent subgroups
J. Pure Appl. Algebra
106 (1996), 45-56
(con S. Franciosi e Ya.P. Sysak)

69. An extension of the Kegel-Wielandt theorem to locally finite groups
Glasgow Math. J.
38 (1996), 171-176
(con S. Franciosi e Ya.P. Sysak)

70. On automorphisms fixing non-normal subgroups of groups
Arch. Math. (Basel)
65 (1995), 196-209
(con S. Franciosi e H. Heineken)

71. On maximal subgroups of minimax groups
Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur.
(9) 6 (1995), 23-27
(con S. Franciosi)

72. Groups satisfying the minimal condition on non-subnormal subgroups
Proceedings of "Infinite Groups 1994"
de Gruyter, Berlin (1995), 63-72
(con S. Franciosi)

73. Groups satisfying the minimal condition on certain non-normal subgroups
Proceedings of "Groups - Korea 1994"
(1995), 107-118
(con S. Franciosi)

74. Groups with restrictions on infinite subnormal subgroups
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo
(2) 45 (1996), 256-266
(con S. Franciosi)

75. Frattini properties of groups with polycyclic-by-finite conjugacy classes
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital.
(7) 10 A (1996), 653-659
(con S. Franciosi)

76. Groups whose subnormal subgroups are normal-by-finite
Comm. Algebra
23 (1995), 5483-5497
(con S. Franciosi e M.L. Newell)

77. Groups with many normal-by-finite subgroups
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
125 (1997), 323-327
(con S. Franciosi)

78. Triple factorizations by locally supersoluble groups
Siberian Mat. Ž.
38 (1997), 439-449
(con S. Franciosi)

79. Insiemi, Numeri, Polinomi: un'introduzione
Aracne Editrice, Roma

80. On ascendant and subnormal subgroups of infinite factorized groups
Ukrainian Mat. Ž.
49 (1997), 842-848
(con S. Franciosi e Ya.P. Sysak)

81. Groups whose proper quotients are FC-groups
J. Algebra
186 (1996), 544-577
(con S. Franciosi e L.A. Kurdachenko)

82. Groups with finite conjugacy classes of non-subnormal subgroups
Arch. Math. (Basel)
70 (1998), 169-181
(con S. Franciosi e L.A. Kurdachenko)

83. Groups with restrictions on non-subnormal subgroups
Ricerche Mat.
46 (1997), 307-320
(con S. Franciosi e L.A. Kurdachenko)

84. Groups with dense subnormal subgroups
Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova
101 (1999), 19-27
(con A. Russo)

85. Groups whose subgroups have small automizers
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo
48 (1999), 13-22
(con R. Brandl e S. Franciosi)

86. On subnormal subgroups of factorized groups
J. Algebra
198 (1997), 469-480
(con S. Franciosi e Y.P. Sysak)

87. On ascendant subgroups of infinite groups
Comm. Algebra
26 (1998), 3313-3333
(con S. Franciosi e Y.P. Sysak)

88. On groups with many nearly maximal subgroups
Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Cl. Sci. Fis. Mat. Natur.
9 (1998), 19-23
(con S. Franciosi)

89. Groups without nearly abnormal subgroups
Glasgow Math. J.
41 (1999), 283-288
(con S. Franciosi)

90. Groups with many FC-subgroups
J. Algebra
218 (1999), 165-182
(con S. Franciosi e Y.P. Sysak)

91. Groups with many polycyclic-by-nilpotent subgroups
Ricerche Mat.
48 (1999), 361-378
(con S. Franciosi e Y.P. Sysak)

92. Groups with many subgroups having a transitive normality relation
Bol. Soc. Brasil. Mat.
31 (2000), 73-80
(con M. De Falco)

93. Groups with polycyclic non-normal subgroups
Algebra Colloq.
7 (2000), 33-42
(con S. Franciosi e M.L. Newell)

94. Pronormality in infinite groups
Proc. Roy. Irish Acad.
100A (2000), 189-203
(con G. Vincenzi)

95. On groups with finite verbal conjugacy classes
Houston J. Math.
28 (2002), 683-689
(con S. Franciosi e P. Shumyatsky)

96. FC-groups and projectivities
Atti Sem. Mat. Fis. Univ. Modena
50 (2002), 7-15
(con C. Musella)

97. Gruppi ed automorfismi
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital.
3B (2000), 273-286

98. Homological methods in group theory
SUNLAG 2000 - A Spring Stage on Algebra Logic & Geometry
3B (2000), 7-19

99. Groups with almost modular subgroup lattice
J. Algebra
243 (2001), 738-764
(con C. Musella e Y.P. Sysak)

100. Le dimostrazioni di teoremi fondate sull'uso di calcolatori
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital.
2A (1999), 69-81
(con T. Landolfi)

101. Groups with nearly modular subgroup lattice
Colloquium Math.
88 (2001), 13-20
(con C. Musella)

102. Groups with many modular subgroups
Ricerche Mat.
50 (2001), 105-113
(con C. Musella)

103. On hypercentral subgroups of infinite groups
Math. Slovaca
52 (2002), 297-307
(con A. Russo)

104. Some topics in the theory of pronormal subgroups of groups
Quaderni Mat.
8 (2001), 175-202
(con G. Vincenzi)

105. Groups with decomposable set of quasinormal subgroups
Serdica Math. J.
27 (2001), 137-142
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

106. Groups whose non-subnormal subgroups have a transitive normality relation
Bol. Soc. Brasil. Mat.
34 (2003), 219-229
(con A. Russo e G. Vincenzi)

107. Groups in which every subgroup is nearly permutable
Forum Math.
15 (2003), 665-677
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e Y.P. Sysak)

108. Periodic groups with neraly modular subgroup lattice
Illinois Math. J.
47 (2003), 189-205
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e Y.P. Sysak)

109. The infinite dihedral group as automorphism group
Ricerche Mat.
51 (2002), 337-339
(con A. Russo)

110. Groups with metamodular subgroup lattice
Colloquium Math.
95 (2003), 231-240
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e R. Schmidt)

111. Groups in which every non-abelian subgroup is permutable
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo
52 (2003), 70-76
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e R. Schmidt)

112. Groups with restricted conjugacy classes
Serdica Math. J.
28 (2002), 241-254
(con A. Russo e G. Vincenzi)

113. Groups in which every subgroup is permutable-by-finite
Comm. Algebra
32 (2004), 1007-1017
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

114. Pseudonormal subgroups of groups
Ricerche Mat.
52 (2003), 91-101
(con G. Vincenzi)

115. The maximal and the minimal conditions for normal subgroups of infinite order or index
Comm. Algebra
33 (2005), 183-199
(con D.H. Paek, A. Russo e D.J.S. Robinson)

116. Detecting the index of a subgroup in the subgroup lattice
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
133 (2005), 979-985
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e R. Schmidt)

117. Groups with modular subgroup lattice
Advances in Group Theory 2002
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

118. Groups in which every subgroup is modular-by-finite
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.
69 (2004), 441-450
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

119.Groups with finitely many derived subgroups
J. London Math. Soc.
71 (2005), 658-668
(con D.J.S. Robinson)

120.The structure of groups whose subgroups are permutable-by-finite
J. Austral. Math. Soc.
81 (2006), 35-47
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e Y.P. Sysak)

121.Groups satisfying the minimal condition on subnormal non-normal subgroups
Algebra Colloq.
13 (2006), 411-420
(con F. De Mari)

122.Groups satisfying the maximal condition on subnormal non-normal subgroups
Colloquium Math.
103 (2005), 85-98
(con F. De Mari)

123.Double chain conditions for infinite groups
Ricerche Mat.
54 (2005), 59-70
(con F. De Mari)

124.Noetherian automorphisms of groups
Mediterranean J. Math.
2 (2005), 125-135
(con F. De Mari)

125.A lattice characterization of groups with finite torsion-free rank
Note Mat.
26 (2006), 139-147
(con R. De Luca)

126.Groups with finitely many normalizers of non-abelian subgroups
Ricerche Mat.
55 (2006), 311-317
(con F. De Mari)

127.Groups with finitely many normalizers of infinite index
JP J. Algebra Number Theory Appl.
7 (2007), 83-95
(con F. De Mari)

128.Groups with finitely many derived subgroups of non-normal subgroups
Arch. Math. (Basel)
86 (2006), 310-316
(con F. De Mari)

129.Groups with finitely many normalizers of non-subnormal subgroups
Matematiche (Catania)
62 (2007), 3-13
(con F. De Mari)

130.Groups with finitely many normalizers of subnormal subgroups
J. Algebra
304 (2006), 382-396
(con F. De Mari)

131.Groups with finitely many normalizers of non-nilpotent subgroups
Math. Proc. Roy. Irish Acad.
107A (2007), 143-152
(con F. De Mari)

132.Groups with few normalizer subgroups
Bull. Irish Math. Soc.
56 (2005), 103-113
(con F. De Mari)

133. Groups with few conjugacy classes of non-normal subgroups
Math. Slovaca
58 (2008), 177-184
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

134. Groups with all subgroups pronormal-by-finite
Mediterranean J. Math.
4 (2007), 65-71
(con A. Russo e G. Vincenzi)

135. Groups with normality conditions for non-abelian subgroups
J. Algebra
315 (2007), 665-682
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e Y.P. Sysak)

136. Groups with finitely many normalizers of subgroups with intransitive normality relation
Pure Math. Appl.
18 (2007), 257-264
(con F. De Mari)

137. Groups with few non-normal subgroups
Proceedings of “Ischia Group Theory 2006”,
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

138. Groups in which every subgroup is almost pronormal
Note Mat.
28 (2008), 95-103
(con A. Russo e G. Vincenzi)

139. Groups with finitely many normalizers of non-polycyclic subgroups
Algebra Colloq.
17 (2010), 203-210
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

140. Groups whose non-normal subgroups have small commutator subgroup
Algebra Discrete Math.
(2007), 46-58
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

141. The Schur property for subgroup lattices of groups
Arch. Math. (Basel)
91 (2008), 97-105
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

142. Locally finite products of totally permutable nilpotent groups
Algebra Colloq.
16 (2009), 535-540
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

143. Groups whose finite homomorphic images are metahamiltonian
Comm. Algebra
37 (2009), 2468-2476
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

144. A note on groups with finitely many maximal normalizers
Asian European J. Math.
1 (2008), 347-352
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

145. Groups with large centralizer subgroups
Note Mat.
29 (2009), 21-28
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

146. Groups with many self-normalizing subgroups
Algebra Discrete Math.
(2009), 55-65
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

147. On the upper central series of infinite groups
Proc. Amer. Math. Soc.
139 (2011), 385-389
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e Y.P. Sysak)

148. Groups with finitely many normalizers of non-periodic subgroups
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo
59 (2010), 289-294
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

149. Alcuni aspetti della teoria dei gruppi con classi di coniugio finite
Quaderni di Matematica dell'Università di Lecce
2 (2010)
(con F. Catino)

150. Indagine Matmedia 2009 - L’indagine 2009: commenti e riflessioni
Period. Mat.
2 (2010), 65-69
(con A. Russo)

151. Groups with finiteness conditions on commutators
Algebra Colloq.
19 (2012), 1197–1204
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

152. Groups with normality conditions for non-periodic subgroups
Boll. Un. Mat. Ital.
4 (2011), 109-121
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

153. Groups with many abelian subgroups
J. Algebra
347 (2011), 83-95
(con M. De Falco, C.Musella e Y.P. Sysak)

154. Strongly inertial groups Comm. Algebra
41 (2013), 2213-2227
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e N. Trabelsi)

155. The Schur property for infinite groups
Biblioteca de la Revista Matematica Iberoamericana
2012, 57-73
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

156. Products of locally supersoluble groups
Note Mat.
32 (2012), 5-11
(con A. Auletta)

157. Infinite groups with many generalized normal subgroups
International J. Group Theory
1 (2012), 39-49
(con C. Rainone)

158. Groups with restrictions on subgroups of infinite rank
Rev. Mat. Iberoamericana
30 (2014), 537-550
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e N. Trabelsi)

159. Groups whose proper subgroups of infinite rank have finite conjugacy classes
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.
89 (2014), 41-48
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e N. Trabelsi)

160. A note on groups with just-infinite automorphism groups
Note Mat.
32 (2012), 135-140
(con D. Imperatore)

161. On metahamiltonian groups of infinite rank
J. Algebra
407 (2014), 135-148
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e Y.P. Sysak)

162. Groups of infinite rank in which normality is a transitive relation
Glasgow Math. J.
56 (2014), 387-393
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e Y.P. Sysak)

163. Groups whose proper subgroups of infinite rank have a transitive normality relation
Mediterranean J. Math.
10 (2013), 1999-2006
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

164. Infinite groups with rank restrictions on subgroups
Zap. Nauchn. Semin. POMI (Steklov)
414 (2013), 31-39
= J. Math. Sci. (N.Y.)
199 (2014), 261-265

165. Groups with finitely many conjugacy classes of non-normal subgroups of infinite rank
Colloquium Math.
131 (2013), 233-239
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

166. Some trends in the theory of groups with restricted conjugacy classes
Note Mat.
33 (2013), 71-87

167. On a class of normal endomorphisms of groups
J. Algebra Appl.
13 (2014) n.1, 1350061
(con M.L. Newell e A. Russo)

168. Hyper-(rank one) groups
Ricerche Mat.
62 (2013), 117-126
(con M.L. Newell)

169. Metahamiltonian groups and related topics
International J. Group Theory
2 (2013), 117-129
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

170. On a class of metahamiltonian groups
Ricerche Mat.
62 (2013), 155-160
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

171. Groups whose proper subgroups of infinite rank have polycyclic conjugacy classes
Algebra Colloq.
22 (2015), 181-188
(con M. Trombetti)

172. Groups with normality conditions for subgroups of infinite rank
Publ. Mat.
58 (2014), 331-340
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

173. Groups in which every normal subgroup of infinite rank has finite index
South East Bulletin of Mathematics
39 (2015), 195-201
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

174. Groups with minimax commutator subgroup
International J. Group Theory
3 (n.1) (2014), 9-16
(con M. Trombetti)

175. Groups in which every subgroup has finite index in its Frattini closure
Bull. Iran. Math. Soc.
40 (2014), 1213-1226
(con D. Imperatore)

176. Locally finite groups whose subgroups have finite normal oscillation
Austral. Math. Soc.
89 (2014), 479-487
(con M. Martusciello e C. Rainone)

177. A note on soluble groups with minimal condition on normal subgroups
Algebra Appl.
13 (2014) n.4, 1350134
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

178. A note on groups with finite conjugacy classes of subnormal subgroups
Math. Slovaca
67 (2017), 387-390
(con F. Saccomanno)

179. On fixed points of central automorphisms of nilpotent groups
J. Algebra
409 (2014), 1-10
(con F. Catino e M.M. Miccoli)

180. A note on groups of infinite rank with modular subgroup lattice
Monatsh. Math.
176 (2015), 81-86
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

181. Groups with finitely many homomorphic images of finite rank
Algebra Colloq.
23 (2016), 181-187
(con A. Russo)

182. Groups of infinite rank with a locally finite term in the lower central series
Beitr. Algebra Geom.
56 (2015), 735-741
(con M. Trombetti)

183. A note on fixed points of automorphisms of infinite groups
International J. Group Theory
3 (2014), 57-61
(con M.L. Newell e A. Russo)

184. A note on groups of infinite rank whose proper subgroups are abelian-by-finite
Colloquium Math.
137 (2014), 165-170
(con F. Saccomanno)

185. Groups whose subgroups of infinite rank are closed in the profinite topology
RACSAM - Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fis. Nat. Ser. A Mat.
110 (2016), 565-571
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

186. Groups of infinite rank with finite conjugacy classes of subnormal subgroups
J. Algebra
431 (2015), 24-37
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e N. Trabelsi)

187. A note on infinite groups whose subgroups are close to be normal-by-finite
Turkish J. Math.
39 (2015), 49-53
(con F. Saccomanno)

188. Large soluble groups and the control of embedding properties
Ricerche Mat.
63 (2014), suppl.1, 117-130
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

189. On groups with finite abelian section rank factorized by mutually permutable subgroups
Comm. Algebra
44 (2016), 118-124
(con R. Ialenti)

190. Infinite minimal non-hypercyclic groups
J. Algebra Appl.
14 (2015), 1550143
(con M. Trombetti)

191. Some Topics in the Theory of Groups with Finite Conjugacy Classes
1, Aracne Editrice, Roma (2015)
(con F. Catino)

192. A note on autocentral automorphisms of groups
Ricerche Mat.
64 (2015), 339-344
(con M.R.R. Moghaddam e M.A. Rostamyari)

193. A note on groups with many locally supersoluble subgroups
International J. Group Theory
4 (n.2) (2015), 1-7
(con M. Trombetti)

194. Groups with restrictions on infinite conjugacy classes
Mediterranean J. Math.
14 (2017), n.2, art. 43, 12 pp.
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e N. Trabelsi)

195. Groups in which every finite subnormal subgroup is normal
Ricerche Mat.
64 (2015), 331-338
(con M. Chaboksavar)

196. Uncountable groups with restrictions on subgroups of large cardinality
J. Algebra
447 (2016), 383-396
(con M. Trombetti)

197. A note on groups with few isomorphism classes of subgroups
Colloquium Math.
144 (2016), 265-271
(con A. Russo)

198. Nilpotency in uncountable groups
J. Austral. Math. Soc.
103 (2017), 59-69
(con M. Trombetti)

199. Giovanni Frattini, un matematico italiano tra insegnamento e ricerca
Period. Mat.
7 (2015), 7-21

200. Splitting properties of hyper-(rank one) groups
Adv. Group Theory Appl.
1 (2016), 113-129
(con M.L. Newell)

201. Groups whose proper subgroups have restricted infinite conjugacy classes
Colloquium Math.
150 (2017), 281-291
(con M. De Falco, M. Kuzucuoglu e C. Musella)

202. Groups satisfying the double chain condition on subnormal subgroups
Ricerche Mat.
65 (2016), 255-261
(con M. Brescia)

203. Countably recognizable classes of groups with restricted conjugacy classes
International J. Group Theory
7 (n.1) (2018), 5-16
(con M. Trombetti)

204. A note on uncountable groups with modular subgroup lattice
Arch. Math. (Basel)
107 (2016), 581-587
(con M. Trombetti)

205. Weakly power automorphisms of groups
Comm. Algebra
46 (2018), 368-377
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e Y.P. Sysak)

206. A note on groups whose proper large subgroups have a transitive normality relation
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.
95 (2017), 38-47
(con M. Trombetti)

207. Groups with restrictions on proper uncountable subgroups
Studia Sci. Math. Hungar.
56 (2019), 154-165
(con M. Trombetti)

208. Countable recognizability and nilpotency properties of groups
Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo
66 (2017), 399-412
(con M. Trombetti)

209. Normality in uncountable groups
Adv. Group Theory Appl.
3 (2017), 13-29
(con M. De Falco, H. Heineken e C. Musella)

210. The class of minimax groups is countably recognizable
Monatsh. Math.
185 (2018), 81-86
(con M. Trombetti)

211. Groups whose subnormal subgroups have finite normal oscillation
Comm. Algebra
45 (2017), 3986-3993
(con M. Ferrara)

212. Georg Cantor e il caso del cardinale assassinato: un delitto contabilmente riconoscibile
in ``Orizzonti Matematici tra Didattica e Divulgazione''
Mem. Accad. Sci. Fis. Mat. Napoli
9 (2016), 91-103

213. Countable recognizability and residual properties of groups
Rend. Sem. Mat. Univ. Padova
140 (2018), 69-80
(con M. Trombetti)

214. A note on groups whose proper subgroups are quasihamiltonian-by-finite
Ricerche Mat.
66 (2017), 619-627
(con F. Saccomanno)

215. The true story behind Frattini's argument
Adv. Group Theory Appl.
3 (2017), 117-129
(con M. Brescia e M. Trombetti)

216. The metanorm and its influence on the group structure J. Algebra
506 (2018), 76-91
(con M. De Falco, L.A. Kurdachenko e C. Musella)

217. The metanorm, a characteristic subgroup: embedding properties J. Group Theory
21 (2018), 847-864
(con M. De Falco, L.A. Kurdachenko e C. Musella)

218. A nilpotency-like condition for infinite groups
J. Austral. Math. Soc.
105 (2018), 24-33
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e N. Trabelsi)

219. Groups satisfying the double chain condition on non-pronormal subgroups
Riv. Mat. Univ. Parma
8 (2017), 353-366
(con M. Brescia)

220. Permutability in uncountable groups
Ann. Mat. Pura Appl.
197 (2018), 1417-1427
(con M. De Falco, M.J. Evans e C. Musella)

221. Groups of finite normal length
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.
97 (2018), 229-239
(con A. Russo)

222. A note on groups whose non-normal subgroups are either abelian or minimal non-abelian Ricerche Mat.
67 (2018), 891-898
(con S. Athlian)

223. A note on large characteristic subgroups
Comm. Algebra
46 (2018), 4654-4662
(con M. Trombetti)

224. Large characteristic subgroups with modular subgroup lattice
Arch. Math. (Basel)
111 (2018), 123-128
(con M. Trombetti)

225. Large characteristic subgroups in which normality is a transitive relation
Accad. Naz. Lincei Rend. Lincei Mat. Appl.
30 (2019), 255-268
(con M. Trombetti)

226. Uncountable groups in which normality is a transitive relation
Internat. J. Algebra Comput.
29 (2019), 627-638
(con M. De Falco, C. Musella e Y.P. Sysak)

227. Ludwig Sylow 1832-1918
Period. Mat.
10 (2018), 109-110

228. Large characteristic subgroups and abstract group classes
Quaestiones Math.
in corso di stampa
(con M. Trombetti)

229. Large characteristic subgroups with restricted conjugacy classes
Results Math.
74 (2019), art.166, 13 pp.
(con M. Trombetti)

230. Groups whose subgroups satisfy the weak subnormalizer condition
Beitr. Algebra Geom.
60 (2019), 645-656
(con R. Esteban Romero e A. Russo)

231. Groups with normality conditions for uncountable subgroups
J. Austral. Math. Soc.
in corso di stampa
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

232. A note on commutator subgroups in groups of large cardinality
Monatsh. Math.
191 (2020), 249-256
(con M. De Falco e C. Musella)

233. Groups whose proper subgroups are metahamiltonian-by-finite
Rocky Mountain J. Math.
in corso di stampa
(con M. Trombetti)

234. Groups whose nonnormal subgroups are metahamiltonian
Bull. Austral. Math. Soc.
in corso di stampa
(con D. Esposito e M. Trombetti)

235. Some trends in the theory of groups with finitely many normalizers
Ricerche Mat.
in corso di stampa
(con D. Esposito e M. Trombetti)

236. Groups in which every element has a paracentralizer of finite index
Comm. Algebra
in corso di stampa
(con M. De Falco, M.J. Evans e C. Musella)

237. Some topics of classical group theory: the genesis and current stage
Adv. Group Theory Appl.
8 (2019), 119-153
(con I.Ya. Subbotin)

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