The Group Theory Impact Factor

Francesco de Giovanni - Marco Trombetti

The aim of the Group Theory Impact Factor is to provide a solid way to recognize which journals have a central role in group theory. The index is calculated on a time span of 10 years (e.g. the 2023 issue is based upon data coming from the time span 2012-2021), it essentially depends on how many citations per group-theory-paper the journal has (of course the weight of the citation depends on the year the paper is published) and also (to a small extend) on how many group-theory-papers the journal publish each year. A group-theory-paper is just a paper whose MSC Classification Codes concern group theory (e.g. 20Exx, 20Fyy, ...).

How to read the table
On the left side you have the score and on the right side there is the journal's title. The colors from top to bottom identify the quartiles, so for instance a journal which is light blue is in the first quartile

Current issue

Past issues
2023, 2024

09.22521Advances in Mathematics
+19.15839Transactions of the American Mathematical Society
-19.08668Annals of Mathematics
08.8269Groups, Geometry, and Dynamics
08.67412Journal of Algebra
08.55661Israel Journal of Mathematics
08.51554International Mathematics Research Notices. IMRN
+18.50591Algebraic and Geometric Topology
+48.30661Communications in Algebra
+28.30289Mathematische Zeitschrift
+48.14772International Journal of Algebra and Computation
+48.10127Archiv der Mathematik
+48.03296Geometry and Topology
+127.99404Duke Mathematical Journal
-47.82843Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society
+27.76665Geometriae Dedicata
+37.71509Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society
-107.70265Journal of Group Theory
-97.57729Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra
-67.47679Journal of Algebra and its Applications
+47.41334Algebras and Representation Theory
+27.33957Siberian Mathematical Journal [Sibirskii Matematicheskii Zhurnal]
07.24588Monatshefte für Mathematik
-37.17436International Journal of Group Theory
-37.07447Journal für die Reine und Angewandte Mathematik
+16.92526Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society
+26.9053Inventiones Mathematicae
06.80577Pacific Journal of Mathematics
+16.77055Journal of Topology
+46.64845Université de Grenoble. Annales de l'Institut Fourier
-126.50894Journal of the London Mathematical Society
+15.86437Transformation Groups
-25.82326Mathematische Annalen
+25.47528Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society
+55.29416Forum Mathematicum
-44.96274Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics
+24.95064Compositio Mathematica
-34.94811Algebra i Logika
+24.59347Trudy Instituta Matematiki i Mekhaniki UrO RAN
-34.56292Algebra Colloquium
-34.4287Rossiiskaya Academiya Nauk. Sanct-Peterburgskoe Otdelenie. Matematicheskii Institut im.V.A. Sketlova (POMI)
+34.34425Mathematical Notes [Matematicheskie Zametki]
-14.03604Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
+83.92851Forum of Mathematics, Sigma
+23.83736Sibirskie Elektronnye Mathematiceskie Izvestiya. Siberian Electronic Mathematical Reports
+103.68279Algebraic Combinatorics
-43.60591Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society
+23.58525Geometric and Functional Analysis
+53.45068Topology and its Applications
-13.42783American Journal of Mathematics
+23.34293Glasgow Mathematical Journal
-43.29769Journal of the American Mathematical Society
-23.2926Advances in Group Theory and Applications
+43.16248Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
+123.15325Journal of Functional Analysis
-103.06523Commentarii Mathematici Helvetici
02.96332Rendiconti del Seminario Matematico dell 'Universita' di Padova
-142.84043Annales Scientifiques de l'École Normale Supérieure
02.79152Algebra and Discrete Mathematics
-52.77945Journal of Topology and Analysis
+122.64476Proceedings of the Royal Society of Edinburgh Section A: Mathematics
+532.57832Fundamental'naya i Prikladnaya Matematika
02.56968Czechoslovak Mathematical Journal
+72.49878Canadian Mathematical Bulletin
+202.49304Annali di Matematica Pura ed Applicata
+82.49209Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics
-32.35026Canadian Journal of Mathematics
-82.3308Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society
+142.26555Quantum Topology
-42.26191Problemy Fiziki, Matematiki i Tekhniki
-92.1238Journal of the Institute of Mathematics of Jussieu
02.08635Ukrainian Mathematical Journal [Ukrains'kii Matematichnii Zhurnal]
+142.08437Forum of Mathematics, Pi
+52.02224Publicationes Mathematicae Debrecen
+71.97716Electronic Journal of Combinatorics
+51.94608New York Journal of Mathematics
+211.94577European Journal of Mathematics
-171.93499Journal of the Australian Mathematical Society
-31.90107Journal of Lie Theory
+41.87526Asian-European Journal of Mathematics
-61.85779Revista Matematica Iberoamericana
-121.84763Linear Algebra and Its Applications
+131.82165Annales Henri Lebesgue
+161.81796Mathematische Nachrichten
+11.77531Bulletin de la Société Mathématique de France
-61.76134Michigan Mathematical Journal
+201.75969Publicacions Matemàtiques
+51.73898Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences: Mathematical Sciencesopen access
-201.7376Journal of Knot Theory and its Ramifications
+131.69448Experimental Mathematics
-231.69443Journal of Combinatorial Algebra
+31.64015Acta Mathematica Hungarica
-41.63272Algebra i Analiz
-171.62367Ricerche di Matematica
+131.62262Bulletin of Mathematical Sciences
-51.62134Mathematical Research Letters
-191.60118Southeast Asian Bulletin of Mathematics
+131.59025Results in Mathematics
-341.58548L'Enseignement Mathématique
-81.49373Annales Mathématiques Blaise Pascal
-71.48628Mathematics of Computation
+81.48614European Journal of Combinatorics
-151.46893Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society
+171.41347Revista de la Real Academia de Ciencias Exactas, Fisicas y Naturales. Serie A. Matemáticas. RACSAM
+71.37171Quaestiones Mathematicae
-91.35933Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie. Contributions to Algebra and Geometry
-81.3578Journal of the Mathematical Society of Japan
-61.32112Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics
-81.2775Seminaire Lotharingien de Combinatoire
-41.27112Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications (SIGMA)
-61.2301Chebyshevskii Sbornik
+411.22445Innovations in Incidence Geometry
-41.21155The Australasian Journal of Combinatorics
+511.19108Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ Mathematica
+511.18982Communications in Contemporary Mathematics
-121.15777Discrete Mathematics
+31.14853Tunisian Journal of Mathematics
-41.0936Lobachevskii Journal of Mathematics
-291.07645Note di Matematica
-40.96721Matematicheskii Sbornik
+20.94881Ergodic Theory and Dynamical Systems
+90.94841Linear and Multilinear Algebra
-50.92235Bulletin of the Belgian Mathematical Society - Simon Stevin
-50.91302Open Mathematics
-120.87135Colloquium Mathematicum
-40.8138Topological Algebra and its Applications
-30.79203Izvestiya Rossiiskoi Akademii Nauk. Seriya Matematicheskaya
-30.78193Conformal Geometry and Dynamics
-30.75452Advances in Geometry
+60.7287Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo
-60.72812Studia Scientiarum Mathematicarum Hungarica
-160.70442Mathematics in Computer Science
+110.67853Afrika Matematika
-10.6722Topology Proceedings
-10.67143Peking Mathematical Journal
+50.65754Annales de la Faculté de Sciences de Toulouse. Mathématiques
-110.65154Russian Mathematical Surveys [Uspekhi Matematicheskikh Nauk]
-20.64642Glasnik Matematicki
-80.64239Journal de l'Ecole Polytechnique - Mathematiques
-30.63358Izvestiya Irkutskogo Gosudarstvennogo Universiteta. Seriya Matematika
-140.63176Confluentes Mathematici
+160.6032Bulletin Mathématique de la Société des Sciences Mathématiques de Roumanie
-50.60202Zhurnal Sibirskogo Federal'nogo Universiteta. Matematika i Fizika
00.60066Acta Mathematica Vietnamica
-60.59529Functional Analysis and its Applications [Funktional'nyi Analiz I ego Prilozheniya]
00.57283Kyoto Journal of Mathematics
-170.56479Dopovidi Natsional'noi Akademii Nauk Ukraini. Matematika
-70.56263Bolletino dell Unione Matematica Italiana
+10.56199Groups, Complexity, Cryptology
-20.55079Boletin de la Sociedad Matematica Mexicana
-60.54835Palestine Journal of Mathematics
-100.54329Discrete Mathematics and Applications [Diskretnaya Matematika]
00.52036Natsional'naya Akademiya Nauk Armenii. Izvestiya. Matematika
-50.50884European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
-30.50113International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science
-90.49584Graphs and Combinatorics
-20.49258Commentationes Mathematicae Universitatis Carolinae
-40.48472Iranian Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Informatics
-30.47895Houston Journal of Mathematics
-30.47037Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra
-20.46564Arabian Journal of Mathematics
-20.45942Jordan Journal of Mathematics and Statistics
-20.4546Buletinul Academiei de Ştiinţe a Republicii Moldova Matematica
-20.45418Communications. Faculty of Sciences. University of Ankara. Series A1. Mathematics and Statistics
00.44761APPS: Applied Sciences
00.44446European Mathematical Society. Newsletter
+10.43843Journal of Zhejiang University. Science Edition
+10.43839Communications in Mathematical Analysis
+10.43766Kobe Journal of Mathematics
+10.43766Moscow Journal of Combinatorics and Number Theory
-40.43766Rendiconti di Matematica e delle sue Applicazioni